Monday, June 28


Is this really home? Maybe. I woke up today and within 10 minutes I was crying. So much pent up, unspoken and ignored emotions bubbling and boiling.

Then the kettle started whistling.

It's as if the world kept on turning while I was standing still and I just realized that nobody was standing with me and the world kept turning and tilting and revolving. As soon as I looked up, people got older, people changed, people found and people lost.

They say "people come and people go. People stay because people choose." I wish someone had told me that I could choose to leave.

1 comment:

Fickle Cattle said...

"I told him that there was always freedom, even the ultimate freedom. The freedom to leave. You don't have to stay anywhere forever."

Lucifer to Delirium, The Kindly Ones, Neil Gaiman

I am Fickle Cattle.